NetZero Journey
NetZero Journey
Klabin's emission reduction targets cover nine relevant scope 3 categories, which include the value chain. Thus, the Company's decarbonization strategy encompasses an engagement plan for stakeholders involved in this chain – relevant suppliers and customers. It comprises five stages, according to the maturity of each participant's carbon emissions management: prioritization, assessment, commitment, training, and monitoring.
NetZero Journey
Created in 2008, it is responsible for adapting the GHG Protocol method to the Brazilian context and for developing calculation tools for greenhouse gas emission estimates.
SEE GLOSSARYAs a result, it expanded its scope 3 emissions by adding the categories of purchased goods and services (category 1), fuel- and energy-related activities not included in scopes 1 and 2 (category 3), processing of sold products (category 10), and end-of-life treatment (category 12), increasing the reliability and transparency of the disclosed data. The work was also fundamental in submitting the updated target to the SBTi, within the NetZero journey, which implies reducing emissions by at least 90% by 2050.
It is worth noting that for the calculation of net CO2 capture, the calculation base of 2020 is used, the year in which the target was established. Therefore, scope 3 emissions only consider GHG emissions from categories 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9, without considering maritime emissions. The new scope 3 categories included in 2022 are not part of the net capture target until 2030.
Klabin monitors all legal parameters for atmospheric emissions from stationary sources in its operations, such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), sulfur oxides (SOx), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), among others. All production units have atmospheric emissions control equipment and systems, with the aim of reducing the impacts of their operations. In addition, monitoring systems (continuous or discontinuous) are implemented at emission sources in order to comply with all applicable environmental requirements.
The Company applies federal legal requirements to all emission sources, except for units where specific state legislation applies and/or emission limits established in environmental licenses.
A technique developed to assess the environmental impact of products, in which the environmental effects associated with productive activities are analyzed throughout the entire life cycle of the product.
SEE GLOSSARYA measure that calculates the equivalent carbon emissions in the atmosphere by a person, activity, event, company, organization, or government.
SEE GLOSSARYAn indicator that measures and analyzes the volume of freshwater used throughout the entire production chain of a consumer good or service.
SEE GLOSSARYSome customers have approached us to work together and evaluate how much our packaging has contributed to reducing the carbon footprint in their companies in recent years, which I consider a clear demonstration of value delivery.
Klabin has been evolving towards an increasingly renewable energy matrix. In 2023, it reached 92.6% of fuels from renewable sources, surpassing the KODS target of 92%. The challenge until 2030 is to maintain the gains and continue reducing the use of fossil fuels. Factors that contributed to the indicator include a reduced consumption of non-renewable fuels, such as fuel oil (in the pulp and paper plants) and natural gas (in recycled paper operations).
Currently, Klabin is considering increasing the ambition of the target, even in the face of challenges related to the availability of viable technologies. Its priorities always consider its decarbonization planning and journey.
The completion of
for the use of bio-oil in the lime kilns at the Monte Alegre Plant resulted in the approval of replacing heavy oil with this fuel in the equipment.
Emissions of approximately
tons of CO2eq were avoided in 2023, with the full operation of the biomass gasification plant at the Puma Unit in Ortigueira.
The achievement of
renewable sources in the energy matrix indicates improvements to operational controls, reducing the demand for fossil fuel consumption in the Company.