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desenvolvimento florestal - vídeo US

Forest development 

Quality and forest productivity 

The eucalyptus clones, developed by the R&D department, are among the main drivers for increasing forest productivity. In 2023, the area recommended six new eucalyptus clones for planting, three of which were destined for Paraná and the other three for Santa Catarina. In addition to being more productive in volume, all of them showed superior wood quality compared to those previously planted.  

Regarding the pine genus, nine families of superior growth were recommended to integrate the Company's vegetative propagation program. This pine production technique, called vegetative propagation, became part of the operational routine at Klabin's nursery in 2023, allowing pine productivity to be enhanced by propagating/replicating only the best individuals (the most productive ones). In 2023, a process for developing new suppliers to work with vegetative propagation was also implemented, thereby enabling an increase in the utilization of superior seedlings in the annual pine planting program. 

The experimental network was expanded in 2023, incorporating over 500 new genetic materials of pine and more than 750 eucalyptus clones, which now supply the genetic improvement programs, delivering superior clones for the commercial plantings planned in the coming years. 

In the strategic wood quality program, over 80 new genetic materials were evaluated, which will be used for the current and future pine and eucalyptus forest base in the states of Paraná, Santa Catarina, and São Paulo.  

The acquisition of Arauco's forest assets was preceded by a thorough evaluation of the productive suitability of the areas, which assisted in all preliminary analyses. The Company's genetic improvement projects will be incorporated into Klabin's forest research base. 

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In total, 66 weather stations cover the forest base in the three states and assist Klabin's forest planning. Of that total, 29 were installed in 2023.


The monitoring network of the hydrological cycle in the forests was expanded with the acquisition of sensors that provide more precise information for analysis.

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The Forestry R&D Subcommittee promotes forums with operational directorates that aim to encourage improvements in silviculture efficiency and forest productivity.


Studies were expanded with a focus on calculating carbon capture and storage in Klabin's forests, both in the aboveground and belowground parts.

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