Occupational health & safety
Health promotion
Through the Viver Bem program, Klabin encourages comprehensive and preventive care for employees and their families. They receive support to improve their lifestyle, promote health and well-being, and ensure a better quality of life in the workplace, contributing to a culture of care and to a safer and more sustainable future.
The program's actions are based on four pillars: physical health, mental and emotional health, financial health, and social health.
Klabin employees in Suzano (SP) reinforce the message of the Life Protection Policy
Parental leave
Klabin offers parental leave to all employees, without discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, or any other type, which also applies to adoption cases. There are 20 days of paternity leave and 180 days of maternity leave. The Company participates in the Empresa Cidadã Program, a federal government initiative.
In 2023, 805 employees benefited from the program. The retention rates, which indicate the length of time employees remain with the Company after returning to work, were 74% and 88% for men and women, respectively. These indicators are important references for people management at Klabin.
Workplace safety
In a challenging year, especially considering its 2030 Agenda goal of zero lives impacted among employees and contractors, Klabin reinforced initiatives focused on the evolution of risk management and safety culture.
The work developed during the period aimed at strengthening the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OH&S), in alignment with the international standard ISO 45001, through continuous improvement of procedures, systems, tools, and training.
The dissemination of the Life Protection Policy, launched in 2022, has been an important driver in the pursuit of maturity in the safety culture within the Company. The document presents non-negotiable values and the expected performance of everyone in safety, providing support for safe decision-making.

The Life Protection Policy provides guidance in three areas: attitude towards life, unsafe conduct, and recognition.

Between June 2022 and December 2023, 203 forums were held at Klabin on life attitudes, along with over 600 risk management improvement actions.
Managing safety indicators takes into account the relationship between accident rates and the company's capacity to manage risks in its daily routine. In 2023, Klabin sadly recorded six lives changed, including four fatalities.
In this scenario, several initiatives were reinforced within the Company:
Methodology for assessing risks and opportunities regarding the segregation of "people versus mobile equipment";
Process safety: sequence of actions for prevention, mitigation, response, and restoration of unintentional release of energy related to processes;
Continuation of the project aimed at improving the energy isolation procedure, to reinforce the culture and discipline of operation in this type of activity.
Other indicators show that continuous reinforcements in managing safety-related risks have been yielding good results. The overall frequency rate, which considers accidents with and without time off, stood at 2.92 in 2023, the best rate in the Company over the last five years.
With a focus on preventive indicators, all Klabin operations continued and constantly reinforced critical risk management through all our management tools, such as procedures, safety reports, and safety report audits, known as RACs. The Company conducts audits of the RACs in all operations, and starting in 2024, there will also be verification in the pulp, packaging, paper, and forestry operations.
Featured initiatives
Implementation of the Road Safety area in the Forestry Unit, which provides further depth in managing data from onboard technology and a culture of traffic safety;
Beginning of the development track for the Safety team, covering technical and behavioral aspects through training and workshops;
Provision of theoretical and practical Safe Driving training;
Standardization of a single safety recognition program for the entire Company, aligned with the Life Protection Policy, with implementation scheduled for 2024
Consolidation of the structuring of scope meetings, forums where incidents are evaluated and plans for safety improvements for the units are discussed;
Continued analyses to identify any vulnerabilities;
Standardization of the Emergency Response System, in order to ensure tracking, availability, effectiveness, and agility in Emergency Management.