Strengthening of the Integrity Program
Klabin's Integrity Program continues to evolve through projects and instruments that seek to strengthen good practices and consolidate a culture of integrity. The aim is to engage employees and constantly advance the guidelines on the subject.
The evolution of the integrity culture is reflected in the Company's achievement of the maximum score in the Business Ethics category of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Klabin's commitment to the topic has led to a gradual improvement in its score over the years, positioning it as a benchmark in the market.
One of the pillars of the program is the training of internal staff. By 2023, the Company had achieved 70% employee adherence to the Code of Conduct Training, surpassing the 64.1% achieved by 2022. The Integrity area has been working together with the People and Management team to boost engagement.
Another highlight was the adherence of 91% of employees in the Commercial and Procurement areas to the Competition Training, a focus of the Company for audiences with greater interaction with the topic.
Since 2021, Klabin has been promoting campaigns to combat moral and sexual harassment in all its units. The initiative is implemented through workshops, training tracks, and supporting materials for management.
the main national reference center in the production and dissemination of knowledge and business communication practices.
SEE GLOSSARYKlabin employee in Paraná
Reporting channel
Since 2019, Klabin has had an exclusive channel for receiving and handling reports and suspicions of violations of the Code of Conduct, the Integrity and Ombudsman Channel, which is managed by a third-party independent company.
Reports can be made anonymously or identified and whistleblowers in good faith are protected from retaliation. Checks and investigations are carried out confidentially in partnership with the leadership and the People and Management and Internal Audit areas.
In 2023, the channel, which can be accessed by all of Klabin's stakeholders, experienced a 47% increase in the total volume of reports received compared to 2022. The percentage demonstrates the initiative's reach in the Company's operations.
Integrity and Ombudsman Channel
Website: (select the preferred language).
0800 718 7814 – Brazil.
0800 222 0545 – Argentina.