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Integration and efficiency of the forestry base 

Forestry activities are the starting point for ensuring Klabin's competitiveness and growth paths. To leverage the highly integrated model between the Company's businesses, the Forestry Unit underwent restructuring and consolidated its long-term planning. Intensifying the connection with the industrial operations was among the main objectives. Detailed management work was also done to draw up action plans to improve operational efficiency in the field and when the wood arrived at the plants.  

Klabin's nursery in Paraná, with a eucalyptus forest in the background

Responsible forest management 

In 2023, Maurem Kayna Lima Alves, Klabin's Sustainability Consultant, was elected to the Board of Directors of FSC International. She joined a select group of just 12 members to represent the Global South economic chamber's perspectives on responsible forest management. In the previous cycle, from 2020 to 2023, Ivone Namikawa, Klabin's Sustainability consultant, had already held the same position.   

By making its professionals available to actively contribute to the management and direction of a global organization committed to responsible forest management, the Company solidifies its leading role as a benchmark Company in the forestry sector.  

“By having a professional dedicated to participating in sustainability forums, Klabin stands out in the intensity and depth with which it contributes to debates that are relevant to the business and the planet, which ends up benefitting the forestry sector as a whole. The premise of the FSC Board's operation is guided by the interest in promoting inclusive discussions and ensuring that the forest management certification system remains consistent, as well as leveraging the dialogue environment with multiple stakeholders to help the sector continue evolving.” 

Maurem Kayna Lima Alves 


25 years of forestry certification 

In 2023, Klabin also celebrated the 25th anniversary of achieving its first FSC® certification. The Company was the first in the pulp and paper sector in the Southern Hemisphere to obtain the social and environmental seal. The certification attests to the best forest management practices and is an indispensable commercial prerequisite in the paper and packaging segments. 

EUDR Regulation 

glossário - Klabin/ Regulamentação EUDR US

European Union Deforestation -Free Regulation (EUDR): This regulation prohibits the import and trade within the European bloc of products derived from certain commodities—cattle, soy, palm oil, coffee, cocoa, timber, and rubber—that originate from areas deforested after December 31, 2020.


Forestry Numbers 

klabin/b florestal - blocks US


hectares of total area


hectares of productive areas*


conserved areas


trees planted per minute**

*The production areas are made up of areas planted with pine or eucalyptus forests and also those that are being harvested, transported, and planted. 

**The number considers Klabin's forests in São Paulo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina. 

Forest road maintenance services 

The roads to be used in harvesting processes and for wood transport and replanting are prepared by Klabin. To that end, the Company mines some materials, such as gravel or rock, which are used for coating and maintenance of the roadbeds. This maintenance not only facilitates the transportation of inputs for the Company's operations but also benefits the local communities by making the structures safer.  

glossário - Klabin/ glossário - Klabin/ Serviços de manutenção

European Union Deforestation -Free Regulation (EUDR): This regulation prohibits the import and trade within the European bloc of products derived from certain commodities—cattle, soy, palm oil, coffee, cocoa, timber, and rubber—that originate from areas deforested after December 31, 2020.


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