Social investment
Private social investment platform
Klabin implements and supports programs aligned with its social investment platform, focusing on local development, citizenship, environmental education, and culture. The initiatives aim to generate positive socio-environmental impact and enhance the economy of priority communities.
Support for Public Administration
With the aim of promoting participatory public management, Klabin promotes the Public Management Support Program in 14 priority municipalities. They are offered training and consulting services to improve their planning and enhance the allocation of public resources, such as those derived from taxes paid by the Company, for example.
The 14 municipalities where the initiative has already been implemented are as follows: Telêmaco Borba, Ortigueira, Imbaú, Sapopema, Tibagi, Reserva, Curiúva, Rio Negro, Ventania (in Paraná), Otacílio Costa, Correia Pinto, Lages (in Santa Catarina), in addition to Angatuba (in São Paulo) and Goiana (in Pernambuco).
In 2023, each of these municipalities had their Multi-Year Plan monitored by public management with the support of specialized consulting services offered by Klabin, in addition to evaluating the effectiveness of action implementation.
The program is based on social progress indicators described below.

Social Progress Index
The Território 2030 website, which provides indicators comprising the Social Progress Index (SPI) for the Campos Gerais territories in Paraná, such as Telêmaco Borba (photo), and those of Planalto Serrano in Santa Catarina, regions where Klabin operates, has been updated with data up to 2022. There are 56 indicators distributed across three dimensions – Basic Human Needs, Foundations of Wellbeing, and Opportunities –, that evaluate 12 municipalities in Paraná and 15 in Santa Catarina. In 2024, a new update will be made, registering the information from 2023 and including the SPI of Goiana (PE). Based on the SPI, it is possible to configure a better territorial organization and the planned allocation of resources in the short, medium, and long term, always aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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Local Development Forums
In the Local Development Forums, meetings were held in the six municipalities that adopted the initiative in partnership with Klabin, including Angatuba (SP) and Goiana (PE). In 2023, a particular contribution was the discussion on budgetary revenues of the two municipalities. The over 30 participants in the two forums learned to access and interpret budgetary databases and, through discussions, understood how they can propose suggestions and alternatives to the local government.
Matas Sociais Program evaluation survey
The Matas Sociais – Planejando Propriedades Sustentáveis Program conducted its first evaluation survey with rural producers benefiting from the family farming initiative developed by Klabin since 2015, in partnership with the Association for the Preservation of Environment and Life (Apremavi) and Sebrae.
Implemented in 11 municipalities in Paraná and five in Santa Catarina, Matas Sociais assists small and medium-sized rural producers in various stages of production, from compliance with environmental legislation to support for food marketing, including training activities, property diversification, and encouragement of association and cooperation.
rural properties have been served since the program's inception eight years ago, with the donation of more than 377,000 native seedlings.
of the respondents gave positive ratings to the program.
rural producers participated in the survey conducted in 2023.
of farmers recognize the environmental benefits of the program.
of rural producers reported an increase in income after partnering with the program.
of producers expanded the commercialization of the food they produce.
reduced the use of pesticides.
increased food production.
of the respondents perceive health improvement as one of the benefits of agroecological or organic production.
I have been receiving assistance on my farm and have noticed an improvement in the property as a whole. All the guidance put into practice adds value to our inputs and helps us reach new levels.
Klabin Semeando Educação
Since its inception in 2017, the Klabin Semeando Educação program has benefited 146 schools and positively impacted over 1,200 teaching professionals. The initiative focuses on the continuous training of elementary school teachers in Portuguese language and mathematics. Additionally, it supports the strengthening of school management, benefiting the municipal public school system. Its main objective is to improve school performance in official assessment indicators, including the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb). The Klabin Semeando Educação program is implemented in 20 municipalities where Klabin operates in Paraná, Santa Catarina, São Paulo, and Pernambuco.
Six cities have already registered advances in Ideb scoring: Imbaú, Sapopema and Ortigueira (in Paraná), Correia Pinto and Lages (in Santa Catarina) and Goiana (in Pernambuco).
Location |
Schools |
Teachers and Managers |
Goiana |
20 |
191 |
São Paulo |
22 |
257 |
Santa Catarina |
48 |
197 |
Paraná |
163 |
1,015 |
Total |
253 |
1,660 |
State Forestry and Agricultural Professional Education Center of Ortigueira
The State Forestry and Agricultural Professional Education Center of Ortigueira graduated 101 professionals from the technical courses in Forest Machinery Operations, Heavy Machinery Maintenance, and Agribusiness in 2023. The institution, a pioneering project of Klabin in partnership with the State Government of Paraná and the municipality of Ortigueira, is the only technical school for forestry machinery mechanics and operations in Latin America.
Since its inauguration in 2020, intending to become a benchmark in the training of forestry operators and mechanics, the school has already graduated 250 students in the technical courses of Forest Machinery Operations and Heavy Machinery Maintenance. In total, 56% of the graduates were hired, 48% by Klabin itself. Of the 61 students who graduated from the Agribusiness course, most of whom were under 18 years old, 20 were hired as apprentices by a company supplying Klabin. The hiring of recent graduates reinforces the commitment to education and job opportunities in the regions where the Company operates.
Digital Education Project
Conducted by FazGame in partnership with Klabin and the Municipal Department of Education of Imbaú (PR), the Digital Education project is a pilot initiative that began in 2024. The initiative aims to use the FazGame platform for creating narrative games to reduce Portuguese language learning gaps among 3rd, 4th, and 5th-grade students at the João Rodrigues dos Santos Municipal School.
Designed for elementary school students, FazGame is a platform that promotes digital literacy and learning of reading and writing through the creation of narrative games supported by Artificial Intelligence for writing analysis.
The project consists of three stages: conducting the FazGame training for the school's teachers, using the platform by the teachers with monitoring, support, and mentoring from the FazGame team, and evaluating the results. The idea is to replicate this to the other municipal public schools in Imbaú and municipal education departments supported by Klabin.
Klabin Caiubi pelo Clima Program
The Klabin Caiubi pelo Clima program aims to train educators from the state education network on topics related to environmental conservation. Teachers and school administrators receive guidance on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate change, as well as learn how to address the topic with students and record the GHG emissions from their respective schools.
In 2023, 160 students and educators from schools in the Paraná municipalities of Telêmaco Borba and Imbaú participated in actions from the program, which included visits to identify and evaluate sources of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as training and completion of the schools' GHG inventories for 2022.
Solid Waste Program
The Solid Waste Program focuses on selective waste collection with social inclusion of recycling cooperatives and community engagement to encourage proper disposal and environmentally sound waste management. It is conducted in partnership with the Intermunicipal Consortium Caminhos do Tibagi in seven municipalities of Paraná (Imbaú, Ortigueira, Reserva, Rio Branco do Ivaí, Telêmaco Borba, Tibagi, and Sapopema), with the support of Ambipar Environment, which provides specialized consultancy in structuring cooperatives and in fostering partnerships among these groups, the government, and society.
Among the main actions developed in 2023 were the donation of laptops, tablets, and printers to assist cooperatives in accounting activities, reporting, and control. Three scales for weighing the collected waste were also donated to the cooperatives in Telêmaco Borba, Rio Branco do Ivaí, and Imbaú, providing more agility to the process and better control over the commercialization of waste by the institutions.
In Rio Branco do Ivaí, a new warehouse, wich was built by the municipality with support from the consultancy, features a productive design tailored to the cooperative's reality and the pursuit of improved production flow. The municipality of Ortigueira is receiving support in the restructuring of a new warehouse to host the municipality's cooperative.
Telêmaco Borba recorded the delivery of reusable bags for storing recyclable materials discarded by residents throughout the municipality. The same path is being followed in Rio Branco do Ivaí, which will start the Action Plan for the implementation of selective waste collection in 2024, while operations at the cooperative begin.
Since it was remodeled in 2021, the program has already contributed to an increase of approximately 84% in the income of recycling agents. In 2023, the cooperatives in Telêmaco Borba started processing glass, a material that was not previously commercialized in the region. The RECICLATB cooperative has been transformed into a Social Franchise.
More than
tons of waste were recovered in recycling institutions in 2023.
The number is
higher than recorded in 2022.
In addition,
people were involved in environmental education actions.
Bacia Escola Program
In partnership with the Municipal Department of Education of Jaguariaíva, in Paraná, the Bacia Escola program progressed in 2023, with 500 students participating in environmental awareness activities focused on elementary education and academic research in forest hydrology in the Três Bocas River, which supplies part of the municipality's population and is the headquarters of the program.
Encouragement for sports
The track and field team of Campo Teófila Nassar Jangada State School, in the district of José Lacerda, municipality of Reserva (PR), achieved its best result in history by winning 123 medals in the School Games throughout 2023. The athletes are part of the Superação project, sponsored by Klabin for two years, focusing on the training and social inclusion of children and young people from the region. In 2021, when the project was not yet sponsored, the athletes won 60 medals.
It's not just about the increase in the number of medals won. We're celebrating the broadened horizons for the young people in the region, who are quite literally discovering new horizons — many traveling throughout the state, and some throughout Brazil, through sports.
The Encantos do Imbaú Project means everything to us. Music transforms lives. Sometimes, a child arrives excited and interacts with other children. Affection transforms, and the emotional bond they create is very important.