R&D and innovation
R&D+I support for the businesses
The performance of Klabin's Research, Development, and Innovation front is directly connected to its growth strategy and with a sustainable outlook. In 2023, the focus on R&D+I was related to short- and medium-term projects, greater support for businesses, and better utilization of natural resources.
Projects prioritized during this period were focused on promoting the circular economy, developing solutions to support the reduced use of fossil-origin items, ensuring the quality of wood, and primarily achieving operational efficiency gains.
In its six years of operation, the Klabin Technology Center (CTK) in Telêmaco Borba (PR) has been transforming the dynamic between industrial and forestry areas, providing the Company with a solid structure to replicate processes, simulate manufacturing, and accelerate product development.
Work focused on adapting forests to potential extreme weather events and increasing productivity.
Operations focused on the incremental enhancement of Klabin's portfolio products and process refinement.
The Packaging Technology Center, located at the Jundiaí Tijuco Preto Unit (SP), aims to strengthen our bonds with customers and the market by understanding their needs and challenges. In one year of operation, completed in October 2023, over 60 customers were served, and more than 80 events with business partners led to dozens of projects and prototypes.