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About this report 

This report presents Klabin's performance in 2023, as well as the challenges faced during the period and its actions towards growth, aligned with the Klabin Sustainable Development Goals (KODS) agenda.  

From the homepage, it is possible to browse 25 outstanding initiatives in Klabin's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects. The number alludes to the 25th edition of the Sustainability Report, released in this year of 2024, as the Company celebrates its 125 years of history. 

This document is structured based on the material topics, i.e. those most relevant to Klabin and its stakeholders, and the sustainability practices that make up the KODS. The presentation of management and the results obtained in the period is also referenced by the GRI Standards 2021, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Principles of the UN Global Compact. 

Indicators linked to the management of these material topics are concentrated in the ESG Panel, which also contains data from the historical series and the Company's current position in relation to the targets set for the coming years. 

The period covered by this report runs from January 1 to December 31, 2023, and is extended, whenever relevant, to the beginning of 2024.  

In line with Klabin's naming conventions, the Puma Unit has been renamed the Ortigueira Unit since the beginning of 2024. In this report, since the base year is 2023, we have maintained the names Puma Unit, Puma Project I, and Puma Project II, appropriately used in each case.   

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